Nagpur is South east asia's and India'sone and only cargo hub cum hub airport which willtransform it into a world trade city. The combined investments committed as of date invarious projects is more thanRs.50,000crores.Additionally,Nagpur MunicipalCorporation is pumping another 6000crores intodeveloping the metro city infrastructure. MIHAN project will give direct employment to close to1,50000 people and indirect employment to another4,50,000 people.The various SEZ's in butibori willprovide equal amount of Employment. All these adds up to a huge population migration intothe city resulting in current housing demand of500,000 new homes. Nagpur is expected to have a population of close to75lakhs by 2015 when majority of the projects will beon or nearing completion. All this is putting pressure on land prices which isslated to rise @100% plus for the next 4-5yearsatleast. Nagpur, the center of India is fast becoming the center of attraction for global investments due to the fol...