14000 Cr. for Bulk Drug Parks to reduce import dependence of this key pharma input (API) from China.
The government has announced it will promote common infrastructure facilities in three 'Bulk Drug Parks' with the financial investment in the next five years that would incentivise production of active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) in the country and reduce import dependence of this key pharma input from China. What is API: API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) means the active ingredient which is contained in medicine. For example, an active ingredient to relieve pain is included in a painkiller. This is called API. A small amount of the active ingredient has an effect, so only a tiny part of the active ingredient is contained in medicine. You will find the name and amount of the active ingredient contained in the medicine on the package of OTC (over-the-counter) drugs. How much India import form China? API also known as bulk drugs. Indian drug-makers import around 70 per cent of their total bulk drug requirements from China. In the 2018-19 fiscal, the govern...