Bank loan advantages in buying Proprty by Mr. Avnish Bhatnager
Dear Readers, recently I have posted many articles regarding opting bank finance to purchase properties which is having great advantage & necessities to own property in today’s scnerio. Here further, got an opportunity to talk my old time client cum friend Mr. Avnish Bhatnager working as a chief manager in Bank of Baroda & he has shared with me really a great advantages to go for bank Finance route to own a property so I requested him to share his views in writing small piece which can help many readers & aspirants looking to buy property & still thinking to go for bank Finance or not. Here is piece of small text message from Mr. Bhatnager: “ It is very simple to understand the advantages of availing loan to acquire property First it is available at cheapest possible rates at one should avail it from well reputed leading organisations viz Nationalized banks, leading Pvt banks. The EMI payable every year not only save,/reduce Tax liability Becomes compulsory savi...