Jun 25 2016 : The Times of India (Pune) ON ASCENDING CHART Kanchan Gogate Steady confidence of homebuyers vouchsafes Pune as a sought-after realty destination. Inclusion in the Smart City list is sure to propel city's growth further Braving tough economic times, Pune has shown a remarkable poise as a realty destination. Isn't it surprising that at a time when the property markets across the country are either stagnant or marginally correcting prices, Pune real estate is showing a healthy appreciation quarter on quarter? As a matter of fact, as per the National Housing Bank (NHB) Residex, Pune has been witness to highest appreciation on a pan-India basis.It clearly shows that in Pune there is no stress in the residential market.The analysts maintain that keeping in view the nature of the business anything less than five quarter of inventory (15 months) is a comfortable situation. And hence, there is scope for new launches of the reside...